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Google Fireoff 28 Employees Who Protests Against Israel Cloud Contract

Google Layoffs Protest Image

employees gathered in protest inside Google's offices, holding signs and banners expressing their disagreement with Google's decision to engage in a cloud contract with the Israeli government. The protest led to the termination of 28 employees who participated in the demonstration.

Google, a big company that helps people find things on the internet and provides various tools, has recently made headlines. This time, it’s about firing 28 of its employees.

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The reason behind Google Fires 28 Employees?  

These employees participated in protests against Google’s involvement in a cloud contract with the Israeli government. They believed this contract wasn’t fair to some people living in Israel.

The protests happened inside Google’s offices, which, unfortunately, is against the company’s rules. As a result, Google decided to let go of these 28 workers.

Google fires 28 employees after sit-in protest over controversial Project Nimbus contract with Israel

This action came after the employees staged a sit-in protest at the office of Google Cloud CEO Thomas Kurian. Law enforcement had to intervene to remove them from the premises.

This isn’t the first time Google has taken such action. Previously, another employee got fired for protesting against the contract during a company presentation in Israel.

The group behind these protests is called “No Tech for Apartheid.” They’ve been opposing Google’s involvement in Project Nimbus, the name given to the cloud contract, for three years now.

Google user says

It’s unfair for the company to dismiss them for expressing their beliefs. They argue that everyone has the right to protest peacefully.

On the other hand, some believe that Google did the right thing by enforcing its rules. They argue that protesting inside the workplace can disrupt business operations and is not acceptable behaviour.

The “No Tech for Apartheid” group, which organized the protests, feels that Google’s action is a form of retaliation. They claim that despite their efforts over the past three years, they haven’t received any response from Google’s executives regarding their concerns about Project Nimbus.


How many Google layoffs occurred?
Google laid off 28 employees who participated in protests against its involvement in the Israeli government cloud contract.

Why did Google lay off 28 employees?
They participated in protests against the company’s involvement in a controversial cloud contract with the Israeli government. The protests violated Google’s rules regarding workplace conduct, leading to the termination of these workers’ employment.

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